Very important architecturally and historically is the ancient medieval city centre of Ventimiglia, perched on a hill overlooking the new town. The Church of San Michele Arcangelo was erected in the 10th century by the Counts of Ventimiglia on the foundations of a pagan temple. Later it was entrusted to the Benedict of Ventimiglia

The town of Ventimiglia, which often appeals as the “Western Gate of Italy”, is divided into two parts by the River Roia, which flows into the Ligurian Sea: a medieval, perched on a hill to the right ( Ventimiglia Alta) and is the second center in Liguria for extension after Genoa, and a modern, built on the left bank of the river from the nineteenth century.

Ventimiglia is well known for its climate, its beaches , for its historical sites of natural history and important international events, such as the Battle of Flowers, the Medieval August, the Regional final of Miss Italy, Desbaratu and great weekly market of Ventimiglia on Friday, including the first ever in Italy and Europe..

Ventimiglia is also famous for the Hanbury Bothanical Gardens established by Sir Thomas Hanbury in 1867. The Hanbury Gardens were recently used as a set for the Film Grace of Monaco.